The project is wonderful with a focus on just about everything that goes on in and around the Domasi area. 7 community schools for children of all ages, 2 HIV support groups, an orphanage, a youth group, community healthcare initiatives, a female empowerment group, the list is ENDLESS. And the villagers rely on the project so much for various crazy reasons ranging from needing a njinga ambulance (push-bike with a seat on the back for a passenger) to village quarrels which need to be solved by Emma the project coordinator. Her blog is fantastic to learn more about the project and keep up to date with what they're doing; If anyone is interested in volunteering with Tikondwe just contact her! She is a fantastic person who works far too hard with very little support, so don't take offence if your email isn't answered within the next few days of sending it! She is in Malawi after all, the place where EVERYTHING takes roughly 10 times longer than it would anywhere else in the world.

Mapanje school and the elder afternoon class showing off some of their work :)
Whilst working with the project myself and other volunteers stayed in the volunteer complex with a local family and our Malawian Mama and Papa. Mama can't speak much English but Papa knows how to hold a conversation perfectly. Themselves and their very large family live in 3 small homes nestled in between the volunteer bedroom (a room chock-a-block full of bunk beds), a common area (for eating, playing games, writing, socialising etc.), an outside toilet, an outside shower and a small courtyard area with a veranda. Although it all sounds very posh it wasn't, however it was very lovely. There is very (very, very) little electric in the village and so we had only one main light in the common area which sometimes did and sometimes didn't work; everywhere else at night had to be navigated by torch or candlelight. The outside shower was cold water only (a blessing in the October sun but I can only imagine the pain in the cold, wet season) and we cooked dinner bit by bit on the fire every night. It was wonderfully old fashioned and seemed to instantly bring all the volunteers and family closer together as a unit.
Our dorm room. The people in this room changed over time but it managed to stay a girls only zone! This had 8 beds altogether and another 4 in a smaller room to the right. There were also bunks in the common area in two small rooms off the main room. Mattresses were provided and sometimes mosquito nets if you were lucky enough to have nabbed one!
The Common area. Since 2011 (?) volunteers have been putting their handprints on the common areas walls to commemorate their time at Tikondwe. To the left where Toby is sitting is another 4 bed dorm room and Sam is sitting at the main table where we had 4 chairs. Around the room are benches to accommodate everyone for dinner and general social time.
The toilet and shower block. The toilet is the far left door (the proper flushing kind, privilege in Africa!), the shower is the middle and the door to the far right was some kind of storage. The floor was concrete and never clean, so showering was interesting! I don't think I was ever properly 100% clean once considering the sheer amount of dust you accumulate on your body throughout the day. But it did the job well enough and is better than a bucket shower any day!
The veranda and garden area. To the left is Mama and Papas house and the fire area and to the left is the common room. I'm taking the photo outside of my dorm room. This veranda was wonderful. There was often a lady called Mrs Perry sitting underneath it sewing all kinds of things with her sewing machine and the family would usually come and sit here in the afternoon when it was too hot to stay in the sun.

My second full day in Malawi came and went still with no volunteering as the local teaching staff had become confused as to whether school was on after yesterdays holiday or not. Why it wouldn't be was rather nonplussing as the day was a perfectly normal one with no national holiday to be had. This sort of inane confusion became very normal to me over the course of my time in Malawi where everything seems a little out of sorts and a tad backwards! Luckily I was to meet some of the children from other Tikondwe schools as we found a long band of rubber piping which we managed to tape together to make a kind of basketball hoop.
The kids near the house LOVED this and Amos (a longer term volunteer) hammered it into a tree so the children could all try their hand at shooting some hoops!
Finally, 3 days after my arrival on 17th October I was introduced to Mapanje school by Amos and the crazy children that reside in the village. It was also incidentally my birthday. Diana and the children were so very, very sweet singing happy birthday to me and making me feel more than welcome! The younger childrens' English has very little to be said about, it's practically non-existent. Unfortunately without a real Government education where the children HAVE to go to school every day (Mapanje is a charity school and therefore rules are not enforced to ensure the children arrive every day), retaining information seemed slightly impossible to the youngens. We wrote numbers on small blackboards and played number games into the early afternoon, but after a while of doing the same thing the children get very bored. There's no stopping them going mad when the parla turns up; a
thick runny porridge like mix that the morning class are given around midday as an incentive to turn up to school and learn (see picture of children sitting down ready to eat parla). Plus alot of their families can't afford breakfast OR lunch and so this parla would be many of the kids first meal of the day.
The elder class knew marginally more English and so teaching them was a little easier, however they are all at SUCH different levels of learning having 30 odd children all in one class, all of a different abilities, learning the same standard as each other was very difficult. The first day went well though and the afternoon class was always significantly less mad than the morning!

My first few days at Tikondwe were pretty full on culturally as you're just thrown straight into hardcore African living. I'm glad it happened this way as I experienced absolutely no culture shock as I was so busy doing things, like being bombarded by the locals who LOVE having someone new to chat to, and just generally getting used to the local surroundings!
Besides, the weekend to come was to be one of the best in my entire life...
**muzungu means 'white person' throughout Africa. Everywhere a white person goes the tag 'muzungu' follows! It's not derogatory at all, although sometimes it may seem like it, it's purely just a term Africans use as if to state 'tourist' or 'someone who was born in a 1st world country'.
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